Yayasan Haiah Nusratul Islam

About Us​

Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum Number :
AHU-0024817.AH.01.01.Tahun 2021

Among the deeds whose rewards do not end, even though the perpetrator has died is almsgiving. Almsgiving, if understood broadly, is all goodness whose impact continues to apply to many people even though the perpetrator has left this mortal world. Thus, there are many manifestations of alms Jariyah, among others.

  1. Teaching Science;
  2. Building Schools;
  3. Building Roads;
  4. Find an invention that is useful for many people;
  5. Digging a Well;
  6. Plant Trees;
  7. Donating land and soon.

In the rules of ushul fiqh it is emphasized

الخير المتعدي أفضل من القاصر

Meaning: “Kindness that has a good impact on others is better than good that is done to oneself.”

From the rules of ushul fiqh above, it can be explained that the more people who use it, the more rewards they will get. This is the spirit of Islamic teachings which teach us to be the best human beings, namely humans who are most beneficial to many people, and not to be human beings who bring harm to many people.

Islam teaches to spread goodness to many people to guide people to a bright path full of blessings and goodness in this world and the hereafter by spreading Islamic messages as glorification of the Essence of Allah SWT and a manifestation of devotion to conscience.

In a historical context, Muslims really understand this, they work together to support each other to spread good values. It can be exemplified that in Islamic history there was no paid education (everything was free). The umara’ built various madrasas and provided scholarships for students, and were supported by rich people who donated their wealth and even built schools for education.

The scholars try to find various useful knowledge and develop it. even donated their books for the advancement of Islam, so that Umara’, Hartawan, and Ulama became three important pillars in free Islamic education in the classical period, and blessings were realized for humans.

However, along with the decline of Islam, hedonism and worldliness spread so that many people became egocentric. Islam is no longer understood as a religion that brings benefits to all, but is influenced by various interests, Islam is even used as a tool for individual and group interests so that religion is just a camouflage for lip service to obtain worldly benefits.

For this reason, it is necessary to establish an institution that can redistribute Islamic messages that only bring benefits to others. Thus, this situation provides motivation for us to establish this institution as an implementation of this good goal. Therefore, the presence of this foundation has a noble aim, namely to become a service center for Muslims and glorify religious teachings and become a mercy and blessing for all.


In carrying out this mission, the Foundation has established its main missions in three areas of activity, namely:

A. Education/Social

  1. Establish and organize formal education from elementary school to university;
  2. Establish and organize non-formal education institutions: play groups, early childhood education (Paud), kindergartens, courses, skills and training programs;
  3. Establish and operate orphanages, nursing homes and nursing homes;
  4. Establishing and running hospitals, polyclinics and laboratories;
  5. Carrying out research and observations for the advancement of science
  6. Conduct comparative studies;

B. Humanity

  1. Providing assistance to refugees resulting from war;
  2. Providing assistance to victims of natural disasters;
  3. Providing assistance to the homeless, poor and homeless;
  4. Establish and organize shelter homes and funeral homes;
  5. Provide consumer protection;
  6. Carry out environmental preservation;

C. Religious

  1. Establishing religious facilities and Islamic boarding schools;
  2. Organizing madrasas and places of study;
  3. Organizing religious education;
  4. Carrying out religious broadcasts and religious comparative studies;
  5. Receive and distribute Zakat, Infaq and Alms

Central Management of the Haiah Nusratul Islam Foundation

Fahrurrozi, M.Pd


Sayed Muhammad Ichsan, M.Ag

Foundation Secretary

Al Halim Kusuma, S.Pd

Foundation Treasurer

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